It was hard to work alongside any of the Scions, for Minfilia, but she would never admit it. As the morning sun broke though the window, and she saw Lyse stretch and wake and yawn, she could not help but think back to a past forgotten. To how her and Lyse had become fast friends, and how her and Lyse would often joke they were too young. And now, Lyse was getting dressed, and there was nothing left. Why had everybody forgotten?

It was a little easier with Fordola, who was giving herself a wash up in a sink. Fordola hadn’t known her before. Fordola didn’t have any of those expectations. They had work to do, though. They had to get to Little Solace, and begin their work.

The skies were heavy with gloom. The skies almost felt toxic. But Minfilia had to move forward. She spoke gently and kindly, as she said goodbye to those in the Hut. She’d hopefully return soon, but for now? She was ready to parlay.

But at the entrance, she could feel Lyse growing quieter, growing less agile. “…something’s wrong, Minfilia,” Lyse whispered - before the buzzing entered their ears. Gnats. They loved to feed on Sylph - and their home, as well. The poison from them corrupted the land, and hurt both the elementals and any who lived within. Lyse nodded to herself, before getting into a battle stance - as did Minfilia. While Minfilia did not like to fight sapient beings… well, these beings were not sapient. She could fight this. Her daggers were ready - and, she also felt a snort from her new bag. Fordola jumped out.

Even if she’d agreed to remain in there, well. She couldn’t help herself - the tiny sealed Primal biting onto a gnat, pulling at the wings - liquid spilling from it. It was almost cute, in a sort of bloody violent way. The smallest little creature being able to take down something three times her size.

Meanwhile, Lyse punched at them - and Minfilia wished she could ask her if it was different, now she was a Sylph. After all, Sylph are fragile. But she was also in combat, using daggers. Thancred had taught her well. Still, the gnat fell easily, and even before stepping into Little Solace, some of the Sylph were watching.


Shyly fluttering from tree to tree, giggling. Pointing at Lyse, and then Minfilia. Lyse pouted, looking upwards. “What is it, Little Ones?”

One of them fluttered down. “Icky Walking Ones are covered in bug guts. It’s so silly!”

“Well,” Minfilia said, dusting herself off a little, “it’d be sillier if they had breached the gates. Then you might be the ones covered in said guts.”

The Sylph shook their head. “This One doesn’t think so. This One would have been eaten. That’s not silly.

Don’t make bad jokes, Walking One.”

Right, right. Minfilia sighed to herself, shrugging, offering a hand out - before pausing, and beginning to shuffle her feet in an awkward dance. That, after all, was the polite greeting for a Sylph - Lyse watched and blunk, while Fordola continued to eat at the deseased gnat.

Thankfully, her dance was accepted, and the Sylph in front of her began to dance back. “Um, This One thinks the term is… thank you? For helping? Even if it’s silly, you helped These Ones.

…why did Silly One help These Ones?”

Minfilia let out a sigh. “My apologies, but we have come to see the elder of the Sylph. There is a matter I wish to discuss, and—”

“—We’ve got a missive from Gridiana,” Lyse added, and she could feel the atmosphere grow darker. The Sylph in front of them looked at her. Floated towards her. And frowned.

Lyse felt her blood grow cold at the expression. “And what does Winter One have to say to Elder One? Are going to come and freeze Elder One? Are going to steal Elder One away? This One thought that Winter One would not come until Winter.”

Lyse sighed. “This One— I came with a friend. Silly One is called Minfilia, and she is really good at talking. She won’t even punch the Elder One!”

That wasn’t good reassurance. At least, Minfilia didn’t think it was. But the Sylph giggled. “Hmm… This One isn’t sure. But maybe, very maybe, could get some trust.

But need help, before This One will see if Elder One is also Trusting One.”

Minfilia let out a breath she had no clue she was holding, before the Sylph spoke again. “Recently, Giant One has been scaring These Ones. Well, Giant One… and lots of scary elements! Giant meteors, blizzards, and even heavy winds! A lot of These Ones have needed to plant ourselves!

Worse still, the Giant One is laughing at this! This One does not think Walking Ones believe there is a Giant One, and think it is a new Calamity. Elementals are refusing to speak about it, as well.

Can Silly One help?”

This sounded… strange. But Minfilia gave a nod to herself. “I shall find the root of these issues - and solve it, if I can. Alongside my companions, that is.” Lyse and Fordola both looked to her - expressions unreadable. “Though… might I ask where such has been seen?”

“Actually, is nearby. In Bramble Patch. Alongside Big Ones.”

Big ones? Minfilia tilted her head. The Sylph continued. “Um… Spriggan? Is that what Tall Ones call them?”

“Mhm. Spriggans are Cuddly Ones who carry rocks around. Or other things. One even carries around a friend of mine sometimes!” Lyse replied, bouncing a little. “I wish I was carried around by one.”

Right, Lyse could likely translate better from Sylph then she could— ah. Minfilia looked down to Fordola, who was utterly not following the conversation. “Ah - we’re going to be hunting unusually-sized Spriggan, in order to win the trust of the Sylph.”

Fordola swallows a bit of Gnat. “Are Spriggan tasty?”

Day, once again, passed to night - and there was no sign of any abnormally-sized creatures - Spriggan or otherwise. And as they waited, Lyse and Minfilia could talk more. Fordola? Well, she was chasing down wild boars to let out her anger.

“…I used to know you, Lyse,” Minfilia said quietly. “We were both young, and both seemed out of place with the Archon. It was after— after Yda had… vanished, I guess, the time I’m thinking about.”

Lyse leaned against a tree, seeming to relax against the bark. She listened, as Minfilia continued. “We got along right away - though we spent a lot of time talking about home. Like last night, except less… looking over it.

Papalymo told me about you and Yda. If only so I didn’t feel odd being friends with somebody who could be my mother—”

“Papalymo told—?” Lyse begain, quietly, before shaking her head. “Of course he told, if you were a leader. I— still feel like punching him, though.”

“Oh, you did. Think back, Lyse, to five years ago. Do you remember punching him for some reason?”

Lyse crossed her arms, thinking and tapping her feet against the fertile ground. Before her eyes seemed to light up. “Oh! Right! It was in Gridiana, and we were yelling, and he said he had to tell somebody about me. That we couldn’t let… somebody… think that her sister had vanished. You were somebody?”

Minfilia chuckled, looking back to Lyse, moving to lean next to her - looking out across the mess of vines and fallen trees and a tiny little Ifrit nibbling at the wild animals. Was this what it meant to be an adventurer, she wondered? “I was somebody. But I’m still somebody.”

Their relaxed conversation was interupted, though, when Fordola yelled back at them. A Spriggan had appeared… but it wasn’t a massive one. No, it was tiny. So very tiny. Like, tiny enough for a soft kick to knock it out - like Lyse demonstrated.

“Do you think the Sylph tricked us?” Fordola asked - before another Spriggan appeared. Twice as big as the other one - about half the size of a regular one. Oh. They thought they realised what was going on - Lyse nodded to Minfilia, and they drew their weapons. Fordola looked back at them, and understood that look.

It was time to fight Spriggan. But as others gathered, one made of rock lumbered forward - the Spriggan on top stretching and letting out pleased sounds. But why wouldn’t it be pleased?

A voice boomed, though - one which seemed to cut though Minfilia, as familiar and yet not. “Much to your chagrin, the experiment shall now begin! O~hohohohoho!!” Minfilia looked around - no, she couldn’t see anybody. But with her daggers ready, she looked to Lyse and Fordola.

“I’ll handle the large one - make sure the other Spriggan don’t over-run the area!”

And just as she said, Minfilia began to strike at the larger Spriggan-golem. But she did not strike it simply with her dagger - no, she moved to dig her dagger under rocks. As if she was mining them away. She was a skilled miner, after all. It just took effort, and she could mine away one of the legs… and, thus, the Spriggan couldn’t move. And when it couldn’t move, it couldn’t attack as well - all she had to do was dodge the flailing, and she could cut it free of the rocks.

As she did, Lyse and Fordola kept the area clear - but Lyse could feel dread in her very bones. (Did Sylph have bones?) And as the Spriggan cleared out, the voice boomed out again - sounding more like a command from a God then… well, whatever it could be. “My minion has fallen? Consider me floored. Oh well,” the voice said, seeming to grow a little more scary, “back to the drawing board.

I’ve collected valuable data from all this fighting. Armed with this knowledge, I shall begin my smiting.”

As the voice spoke, the creature it came from appeared. Well, creature was the wrong word - for it looked a lot like a Lalafell, but… giant. And different. For one, Lalafell didn’t have noses like that. Nor did their eyes look that odd. It was… some form of monstrous Sorceress, but they could handle it. Right? Right. The Spriggan corpses began to raise, began to move to act like a barrier - but Fordola was on it, biting off their legs herself. Searing them away with the flames of Ifrit.

But Lyse and Minfilia had to move quickly. The otherworldly being wouldn’t stop to let them do this. But even as they stabbed at her legs, the large being seemed to laugh - sending out wind magic that did not feel Eorzean, wind magic that did not feel right. Lyse had to dash behind her, as Minfilia took attention. But as she punched, and as Minfilia stabbed, the monster seemed to fall.

That is, until they felt the coldest Blizzard they had ever felt. It felt otherworldly as well, mind you - but Minfilia shook it off, jumping up and slashing at the chest of the beast.

And the large Lalafell-like being fell. Limp. And shrunk to the size of a doll. Minfilia caught her breath, before moving to heal Lyse - who was shivering - and Fordola, who was trying to stand from the wind lacerations.

As they all caught their breath, though, the magic seemed to shiver again. Minfilia turned - and from the doll, a living breathing being who looked exactly the same appeared.

“O~hohohohohoho! Caught unawares by my stunning arrival? Such heedlessness is ill conducive to your continued survival,” she said - pointing her staff towards the group. Even if she was intimidating, Minfilia swore she saw a little smirk on the lips of the other. “Certainly a guest of my repute deserves a more befitting salute?”

Minfilia shook her head. “I– my apologies, my lady. I just– I mean–”

“I expect to see more than mouths agape, if my wrath you wish to escape. As a matter of foremost urgency, you might begin by groveling for mercy.”

Minfilia looked to Lyse - and Lyse closed her mouth, looking away.

“My companion is simply– a little surprised. We were sent because the Sylph were worried about certain events. May I ask you to explain?”

Another of those piercing laughs, as the smaller lady looked up at Minfilia. “What a funny woman. Do you not see your fate rests in the palm of my hand? But - your judgment is quite wise - you may yet stave off an untimely demise.

Now heed me well, lest you come to woe─you stand before the illustrious Shantotto!”

Now, Minfilia knew she’d never heard that name. But, on the other hand, it felt… familiar. She held her head. Thankfully, an Echo vision wasn’t coming on - but, instead, she thought back. Hadn’t Thancred mentioned that name once? Somebody he’d once known… one of his conquests? No, he wasn’t into Lalafell. “The Federation of Windurst in Vana’diel is my demesne, where I preside as supreme mistress of all matters arcane.”

Ah. That– explained a lot. Except that Minfilia had no idea where that was. Lyse, though, perked up. “So you’re a magical sort of lady? Wow… so! Why are you here?”

Was that a flicker of… sadness under her arrogance? Probably not, but Shantotto shook her head. “A full answer would cause your meager minds to unravel. Let us just say that my powers allow for interdimensional travel. Sadly, I had to seal away this most marvelous spell, for reasons upon which I’d rather not dwell.”

Interdimentional travel? Minfilia bit her lip. Could that be similar to what Louisoux did? Continuing, Shantotto smirked upwards.

“Anyhow, I recently revisited the incantation, for the purpose of making some ameliorations.

You know how the saying goes: the mind of a genius is never at repose.”

“…You seem like a genius,” Lyse said. “I can’t follow you.”

Ignoring Lyse, Shantotto put her staff right to Minfilia. Minfilia felt the headache building, but dared not push the staff away - because, well. She was a little frightened, to be honest.

“Anyhow, testing the spell, I found myself by chance in your land─and quickly observed that things have gotten out of hand. Beast tribes run amok, imperial plotting─the very core of your…Eorzea?…is rotting.

Fortunately, I was at once inspired, with a plan to deliver you from the fate in which you are mired.”

All three of the ladies dreaded her answer, and they had a reason to. “Raze your realm to the ground, leaving nary a shred, then erect an empire of my own in its stead. Yes, the only way to save this dimension…is to bring about a true Shantotto ascension!

My golem was assessing the feasibility of this plan, until it came to a grinding halt at you tutelar hand.” As she said that, she looked right at Minfilia - almost a soft smile on her lips. Or perhaps Minfilia was seeing things. Shantotto moved over, to pick up her doll creation. And she tossed it at Minfilia, who caught it swiftly. “Fortunately for you, I can forgive and forget. Besides, you’ve afforded me data that may prove useful yet. In return for your - albeit unwitting - aid, I’d offer you this creation of mine in trade. But be warned…”

The scene seemed to grow dark, as Shantotto pointed again. “Should you fail to treat her right, I shall set your pants alight!”

–Minfilia already knew she’d likely get the doll to stay with Urianger. He’d know how to treat her right. He, uh. Liked collecting mammets.

Shantotto tapped her staff on the ground. “…But I’ve dallied long enough in this dimension. Matters of actual import demand my attention. Fear not─should your realm remain in disarray, the esteemed Shantotto shall return to rescue the day. Meanwhile, worry not about my wayward creation. In its current state, it could at best overthrow a single nation!”

Those words seemed to echo though Minfilias’ mind - and she bit her lip again. “I shall endeavor to prepare a better greeting for you next time, Lady Shantotto.”

But in a flash of light, Shantotto was gone. Her laugh echoing though the night air…

Well. They could go back to Little Solace and explain this. Or, well. Take the Spriggan guts and explain a more logical version of events.

That… sounded better.